The LADRA AGM will take place on Monday 7th February at 8pm. The AGM will once again be an online event on the Zoom platform. Zoom meeting details will be sent to you on Tuesday, 1st February.
Follow LADRA on Twitter
As you may be aware, the LADRA website was redeveloped last year and a number of stories have recently been published. New website stories are published regularly so follow us on Twitter @LADRA2021 to be notified of updates.
Reminder: Member subscription now due for 2022
Thank you to those who have already paid their membership subscription for the calendar year 2022. For details on how to pay (including online options), go to
Getting Involved
The Committee would be delighted to speak to anyone who is interested in coming forward to join the Committee in 2022. If you would like to find out more on what is involved, please contact Grace on
You may also have an idea for a project or event so please come forward and talk to us.