LADRA Subsidized places at Clanna Gael Fontenoy Easter Camp 2 – 5 April

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Please see details attached of the Clanna Gael Children’s Easter Camp, from Tuesday 2nd to Friday 5th April.

Guaranteeing an action-packed week, this camp will be lots of fun for children aged 5 to 12.

Open to Clanna Gael members and non-members alike, we are delighted to confirm that LADRA will offer a limited number of subsidized places for this camp, supported by the Aviva Stadium Community Fund.

The cost of the camp is €80 for members, reduced to €50 with the subsidy.

The cost is €100 for non-members, reduced to €70 with the subsidy.

In order to secure your place, please email at  completing the following details:

Child’s Name

Parent’s Guardian’s Name

Contact email

Contact Phone Number

Child’s Year of Birth

Medical or any additional needs

Child’s school

Member of Clanna Gael (Yes/No)

In order to secure your subsidized place, please confirm all of the details above and revolut your payment of €50 / €70 to Grace McRandal on 087 8045194.

Places offered on a first-come, first-served basis.  All bookings must be confirmed and paid no later than 15th March to secure Aviva Funding.

Should you have any queries, please contact me.

Kind regards


About Us

Lansdowne and District Residents’ Association (LADRA) aims to promote and preserve the residential character of the area, to promote conservation in the area and to foster community spirit.