Please see details attached of the Clanna Gael Children’s Easter Camp, from Tuesday 2nd to Friday 5th April.
Guaranteeing an action-packed week, this camp will be lots of fun for children aged 5 to 12.
Open to Clanna Gael members and non-members alike, we are delighted to confirm that LADRA will offer a limited number of subsidized places for this camp, supported by the Aviva Stadium Community Fund.
The cost of the camp is €80 for members, reduced to €50 with the subsidy.
The cost is €100 for non-members, reduced to €70 with the subsidy.
In order to secure your place, please email at completing the following details:
Child’s Name
Parent’s Guardian’s Name
Contact email
Contact Phone Number
Child’s Year of Birth
Medical or any additional needs
Child’s school
Member of Clanna Gael (Yes/No)
In order to secure your subsidized place, please confirm all of the details above and revolut your payment of €50 / €70 to Grace McRandal on 087 8045194.
Places offered on a first-come, first-served basis. All bookings must be confirmed and paid no later than 15th March to secure Aviva Funding.
Should you have any queries, please contact me.
Kind regards