Lansdowne Park Green- Footpath Repair and Bin Collection

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We are very grateful to Dublin City Council for the wonderful job they did repairing the footpaths around our green in Lansdowne Park.

The bin trucks circling the green appeared to be the biggest cause of damage to the kerbs. In an effort to limit damage, the bin crews from the City Bin Company and Greyhound have agreed to drive or reverse their trucks to the green (between 11 and 36 Lansdowne Park). The binmen will collect the bins from outside the houses, bring them to the truck, empty them and bring them back to each house. The bin trucks would then have no need to circulate the green.

Please make sure your house number is clearly visible on your bins so the bin men can leave them back to the correct house.

Thanks again Dublin City Council, The City Bin Company and Greyhound for assisting us keeping our locality safe and clean.

About Us

Lansdowne and District Residents’ Association (LADRA) aims to promote and preserve the residential character of the area, to promote conservation in the area and to foster community spirit.