Local Info

Local Public Representatives

Your local Councillors:

LADRA lies in the South East Electoral Area. The South East Area includes Kimmage, Rathmines, Rathgar, Pembroke, Ringsend, Irishtown and the South East Inner City. Councillors who represent this area come from the Local Electoral Areas of Kimmage-Rathmines, Pembroke and South East Inner City.

Your local TDs and MEPs:

TDs are the people you should contact if you have questions or concerns about national issues. MEPs are the people you should contact if you have questions or concerns about European issues.


Local Services

Service Phone Number Web Address
Irishtown station 01 666 9600 www.garda.ie
Donnybrook station 01 666 9200
General Assistance
Citizens Information 076 107 4000 www.citizensinformation.ie
Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) 076 107 2000 www.mabs.ie
St Vincent de Paul 01 855 0022 www.svp.ie
City Council Services
Civic Offices (office hours) 01 222 2222 www.dublincity.ie
Civic Offices (after hours) 01 679 6186
South East Area Office 01 222 2243
Fire and Ambulance Service 999 or 112